Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is this fabric called, and where can I buy it???

I need to find the fabric used on this St. Pucchi bridal gown, style 440 (it can also be seen under Couture at

It appears to be silk applique flowers applied to a sheer chiffon. I could make the fabric myself, but I'd really rather not. However, I can't seem to find anything like it available for purchase online. Is there a specific name for this type of fabric, so I can google it? Has anyone seen anything similar to it at their local fabric stores? I'm willing to have it shipped, even overseas, but I'm not having luck locating it. Thanks!

What is this fabric called, and where can I buy it???
ew, looks like she's wearing drapes, or a table cloth.
Reply:personally i like the dress next to the dress it has what region u want to look for this dress to find stores that carry them
Reply:I think it is technically a lace, but it looks like some kind of a hybrid. You need a SERIOUS fabric source. No suburban strip mall store will do. If you find yourself in New York City or Paris, you may have a chance of finding it. Where I live, Britex Fabrics is the only place that would bother looking for it(or something close) They have a swatch service, where they can help you by mail, but it costs $10, and there are no guarantees. For all we know, the designer of the dress had the lace fabricated in house, and it is not for sale anywhere.

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